
Marauder's take on the Oscars 2006

From CNN: The big winners Hoffman and Witherspoon

Last night's Academy Awards Ceremony was a big snoozefest. Jon Stewart was good but you had the feeling he was not letting go, maybe because of all the problems these big events had with the FCC recently. The audience was probably reeling from the all the pre-Oscar partying or saving themselves for the parties later. The musical items and photo montages were perfect for the perennial insomniac.

From moviepie.com: The surprise winner from last night "Crash"

Crash was definitely the big winner and a surprise at that. But it was the movie yours truly liked from the list, so go figure. Sure the movie was not considered "Oscar material" because of its improbable storyline. But it was extremely well made and held your attention till the very end.

From Oscars.com: Ang Lee's big moment

Ang Lee definitely deserved best director. I think this may be the first award in that category by a man of Asian descent. Imagine that - a Chinese dude making a movie about gay cowboys in 1960s Wyoming!! Here's to having a desi director holding that award one day and yelling something in Hindi, Tamil, Punjabi, Marathi or some other language from the sub-continent.

Shyamalan: A "commercial success"

Talking of desi directors winning Oscars, M. Shyamalan made quite an impression with his American Express commercal last night. The Manoj Shyamalan AmEx ad was one of the bright spots in an otherwise uninspiring "yet another awards ceremony" night. I'm sure I'm not the only person who was tricked for a moment into thinking that this was one of the photo montages or a preview for one his upcoming movies. The fact that he wrote and directed this commerical himself is a testament to his versatility.

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